Wednesday, January 1, 2014

You have the right to remain silent reading

Ex-Con - 1 book per category
Model Prisoner - 2 books per category
Lifer - 3 books per category

Join in any time during the year

Pick Your Poison - Read something from the first 10 pages of Goodreads's Crime Shelf -
Masters of Murder - A book written by a master of the Genre, I'm talking about authors like Edgar Allan Poe, Agatha Christie, Dashiell Hammett, Rex Stout.
True Crime - A book which is based on a real incident (can be fiction or non-fiction).
Watching the Detectives - The central character is a member of the police.
Outside The Law - The central character is a lawyer, private detective, criminal (i.e not a member of the police).
Come Up To The Lab - Central character is a doctor/medical examiner.
From Page to Screen - A book that has been adapted (or is being adapted) for the Movies or TV - tell us what you thought of the adaption (and no, this isn't just an excuse for me to finally read Gone Girl).
Oh, Mr Serial Killer, please kill my cereal... - When it comes to Crime, there are a lot of series, start a new one, or pick up one you've left for a while. Or read something that involves serial killers.

A History Challenge from Goodreads

I didn't officially sign up for it, but it seems interesting.  If I do one book from this, it will be a success, but still pretty cool.

Duration: 1/1/14 - 1/31/14

January in History:
January in History:

1/1/1801 - Ireland was added to Great Britain by an Act of Union thus creating the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Read a book set in Ireland or with an Irish character
1/3/1959 - Alaska was admitted as the 49th U.S. state with a land mass almost one-fifth the size of the lower 48 states together. - Read a book set in Alaska

1/4/1852 - Louis Braille (1809-1852) was born in France. Blinded as a boy, he later invented a reading system for the blind using punch marks in paper. Read a book with a sight impaired character.
1/6/1412 - Joan of Arc (1412-1431) was born in France. After a series of mystic visitations by saints, she inspired French troops to break the British siege at Orleans and win several important victories during the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453) between France and Britain. (view spoiler) Read a book with a character that has visions.

1/7/1714 - A patent was issued for the first typewriter designed by British inventor Henry Mill "for the impressing or transcribing of letters singly or progressively one after another, as in writing." Yay for the typewriter!! Read any book you want

1/8/1815 - The Battle of New Orleans occurred as General Andrew Jackson and American troops defended themselves against a British attack, inflicting over 2,000 casualties. Read a book set in New Orleans

1/8/1935 - Elvis Presley (1935-1977) was born in Tupelo, Mississippi. Read a book featuring “a hunk a hunk of burning love”.

1/11/1755 - Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804) was born in the British West Indies. He died from a gunshot wound received during a duel with Aaron Burr. Read a book with a duel or just a plan old regular fight between two people.

1/14/1741 - Benedict Arnold (1741-1801) was born in Norwich, Connecticut. He was the American Revolutionary War hero who turned traitor, sending information to the British in exchange for money. Read a book with a traitor in it.

1/15/69 AD - Roman Emperor Servius Sulpicius Galba was assassinated by the Praetorian guard in the Roman Forum. Read a book set in or involving Ancient Rome. Or watch and episode of Spartacus
1/15/1559 - Elizabeth Tudor, daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, was crowned as Elizabeth I in Westminster Abbey. Read a book with a character named Elizabeth or a Queen of some sort.

1/16/1991 - The war against Iraq began as Allied aircraft conducted a major raid against Iraqi air defenses. The air raid on Baghdad was broadcast live to a global audience by CNN correspondents as operation Desert Shield became Desert Storm. Read a book set during Desert Storm or during the 90s.

1/17/1706 - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) was born in Boston, Massachusetts. Considered the Elder Statesman of the American Revolution, he displayed multiple talents as a printer, author, publisher, philosopher, scientist, diplomat and philanthropist. He signed both the Declaration of Independence and the new U.S. Constitution. Read a book featuring a character that wears many hats.

1/19/1809 - Edgar Allen Poe (1809-1849) poet and writer of mystery and suspense tales, was born in Boston, Massachusetts. His works include; The Fall of the House of Usher, Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, The Murders in the Rue Morgue and his famous poem The Raven. Read something by Edgar Allen Poe or inspired by his work.

1/24/1848 - The California gold rush began with the accidental discovery of the precious metal near Coloma during construction of a Sutter's sawmill. Read a book that takes place during the gold rush or that has a gold cover.

1/24/1895 - Hawaii's monarchy ended as Queen Liliuokalani was forced to abdicate. Hawaii was then annexed by the U.S. And remained a territory until statehood was granted in 1959. Read a book that is set in Hawaii.

1/25/1959 - An American Airlines Boeing 707 made the first scheduled transcontinental U.S. flight, traveling from California to New York. Read a book where someone flies from California to New York

1/26/1998 - President Bill Clinton made an emphatic denial of charges that he had a sexual affair with Monica Lewinsky and had advised her to lie about it. "...I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky..." Read a book where someone does have sexual relations.

1/27/1832 - British novelist Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) was born in Daresbury, Cheshire, England (as Charles Lutwidge Dodgson). Best known for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Read something written by or inspired by Lewis Carroll.

1/30/1835 - President Andrew Jackson survived the first assassination attempt on a U.S. President. Read a book featuring an assassin

1/30/1973 - During the Watergate scandal, Gordon Liddy and James McCord were convicted of burglary, wire-tapping and attempted bugging of the Democratic headquarters inside the Watergate building in Washington, D.C. Read a book filled with spies.

1/31/1919- Jackie Robinson (1919-1972) was born in Cairo, Georgia. He was the first African American to play professional baseball. Read a book where the character breaks down the barrier between themselves and something they really want

I slacked off last year

In both reading and posting.  I read 35 of the 40 books I wanted to read, which isn't horrible.  I didn't post about all of them, so I will list them in the next post.  I am going to copy the list from my account.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix (Shadow Children series)

A couple of weeks ago I read the entire Shadow Children series.  Each book was about 150-200 pages in length .
The Shadow Children are the illegal 3rd children in a family.  After the Famine, the government decreed that each family could only have two children.  3rd children were killed either before or after birth and families who harbor 3rd  children are considered criminals. 

Each book centers on a certain theme/protagonist
  • Among the Hidden~ Luke is a 3rd child who has always tasted the freedom of outdoors because his family lives in an isolated area, but one day the bulldozers come to take down the woods and build houses.  Luke is forced to live in the attic, hiding in the shadows from the world.  Then Luke spots another 3rd in a house next door to him.  Jen opens Luke's world to the outside, to hopes and dreams of one day not having to hide.
  • Among the Impostors~ After the events in Among the Hidden, Luke assumes the identity of a dead legal child (Lee Grant) and is sent to a school for troubled kids.  Here Luke thinks he may have found a home in the classes and the garden he begins making outside.  Then he finds out there are multiple 3rd children at the school.  Has he found a place to be accepted?
  • Among the Betrayed~ Nina is the main protagonist of this book.  Having been captured by the Population Police, Nina is thrown into a cell with two other children whom she suspects are 3rd children.  Nina is questioned by the police and asked to betray Matthais, Percy, and Alia.  When she decides not to, the children run for their lives.
  • Among the Barons~ Luke is summoned by his "parents" the Grants.  He is forced to pretend to be Lee in public.  While he is living the high life, he knows that something is up.  His suspicions are confirmed when the Grants reveal that they have a plan for him to die.
  • Among the Brave
  • Among the Enemy
  • Among the Free
I will try and come back to finish the summaries later, but here is my view of the series.

The Shadow Children series is written for a younger audience that then Missing series was, but I enjoyed it anyway.  I found myself reading a book or two a night until the series was finished.  That is one of the true measures of a series, if I have to read the next book right away.

I'd really recommend this for the 9 and up crowd.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Books I want to look into reading

The first book is set in Colorado and I think I might like to read it, so I thought I'd post here before I forgot.  It is Sandra Dallas' Tallgrass

Another book is Shoeless Joe

The Headmaster's Wager by Vincent Lam

Friday, May 31, 2013

Every Day by David Levithan

Imagine waking up as a different person every day.  You aren't really them, but you have been inserted into their body and their mind for the day.  Imagine not having a family or ties to anybody.  That was A's life.  It has been that way since A was "born" and he has come to accept his life.

Until Rhianna, she changes everything.  A risks the people he is a guest in and himself to see her, to be with her.  Can this work?

I've heard a lot of good things about this book and it wasn't a bad book, it just didn't live up to my expectations.  I kept expecting it to go somewhere and it didn't.  Nathan, Poole, Rhianna, even A had really no storyline development or conclusion.  The book wrapped up too nicely and not at all.

I'm not sure who I would recommend this to, but I also wouldn't tell anybody to stay away from it.  It was just ok.

Pages:  324

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Pages read so far

4937 pages read so far this year, not including the pages from Catch-22.